Maham Shil’s factory has been established near the Persian Gulf and the Oman Sea, and due to this convenient access, it has the ability to catch large quantities of fish and other marine products from sea sources. Also, the proximity to Rajaee Port, Iran’s largest container port in Bandar Abbas city, is an advantage for sending cargo to all over the world by ship.
Tuna is and one of the most eaten fish in the world, tuna is a saltwater and warm seas fish, tuna is rich in protein and contains vitamins and minerals such as B-Complex vitamins, Vitamins A and D as well as iron, selenium and phosphorus and is a lean meat and low in calories.
Mackerels are considered some of the most nutritious fishes, Mackerel has very similar levels of omega-3 as salmon. mostly living along the coast or offshore in the oceanic environment. And since mackerel is fattier than tuna, it tastes even better when served with olive oil. Mackerel is a true superfood.
Skipjack tuna is a medium-sized perciform fish in the tuna family. It is used a lot in certain Japanese dishes. The Skipjack Tuna is also called the striped tuna, ocean bonito, mushmouth, or balaya. Skipjack usually swim near the surface at night and can dive up to 850 feet during the day.
trout tastes delicious and is simple to prepare, even for those who shy away from cooking fish. The lean fish has a milder “fishy” taste and can be served hot or cold. Salmon is often considered healthier than other seafood options, while trout is also a healthy choice of fish. Trout is an excellent option when eating fish due to its high omega 3 fatty acid content and its low levels of mercury.
Solea fish is any of a variety of flatfishes. It called also Sole fish. Sole, generally has much less mercury than other popular white fish, like halibut or grouper. Sole fish is high in protein and a good source of vitamins B6 and B12, which are important for cardiovascular and neurological health. Also because it has a rare and unique flavor is expensive. Not only is it because fish lovers can’t get the flavor anywhere else, but it also attracts non-seafood eaters.
A queenfish with a single row of 5-6 large dark silvery spots or blotches touching or above the lateral line, a large mouth extending beyond the rear margin of the eye, and no dark tip on the dorsal-fin lobe. Queen fish is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which have been linked to a lower risk of heart disease, reduced inflammation, and improved brain health. Has a slightly fishy flavour, and slightly oily, dry firm flesh with medium flakes and few bones, which are easily removed. Queenfishes have long bodies, looking more like mackerels than like the other members of the Trevally family.
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